Caviro Extra awarded first prize in the circular economy sector by Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile at Ecomondo

Faenza, 10 November 2022Caviro Extra has won First Prize in the Circular Economy Sector of the Sustainable Development awards. The award was presented to the Faenza-based company this morning in Rimini by Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile in collaboration with Ecomondo – Italian Exhibition Group. The award was collected on behalf of Caviro Extra, which is at Ecomondo to present its latest plants, including the Bio CO2 capture plant, the District Heating plant and the plant for the production of Composted Soil Improver from Agri-Food Chain Waste, by Carlo Dalmonte, president of the Caviro Group.

foto di gruppo conferimento premio sostenibilità

Now in its 12th year, the award is given to companies hat “have stood out for their eco-innovation and the effectiveness of their environmental and economic results, as well as for the potential for their dissemination». Caviro Extra won first prize with the «Legàmi di vite», project, of which it is leader, that has seen nine wineries in Emilia-Romagna join forces to invest in the development of the circular economy.

«The main strength of ‘Legàmi di vite’ lies in the fact that, for the first time, the participating companies, competitors on the market, have chosen to work together to create a sustainable business model – commented Carlo Dalmonte -. The awareness, the need to recover value from wine industry waste is well documented and the cooperative approach,adopted by the participating companies is already positively geared towards the idea of joining forces for the greater good. The affinity between the participants has been excellent since the outset».

The companies involved account for over 25% of the Italian wine industry’s turnover and over 21% of exports and are: Caviro, Caviro Extra, Terre Cevico, Agrintesa, Cantina Forlì-Predappio, Le Romagnole, Medici Ermete e Figli, Cantina di Carpi e Sorbara, Cantine Riunite & Civ.

The project involves over 90 million euros of investments in the circular economy, of which 40%, around 36 million euros, is supported by public funding in the form of capital loans. The employment impact of these activities is about 70 jobs per year.

Specifically, the projects are aimed at enhancing and improving the efficiency of the processing activities of the individual participants, with a specific focus onincreasing the storage capacity of by-products, energy efficiency and the creation of new purifiers. Caviro Extra, which already manages the circularity of the Caviro Group and produces noble products, energy and soil improvers, from by-products, has the task of making these investments part of a circular economy approach, i.e. collecting the by-products from participating wineries, enhancing them and returning them to the wineries in the form of tartaric acid and soil improvers. At the same time, Caviro Extra is also making investments, particularly in the alcohol and by-products business unit.

Caviro Extra is at Ecomondo in Hall D1 – Stand 028. At the trade show, it is presenting the plants it recently opened in Faenza, such as the district heating system that produces heat from wine industry waste and the composting plant for the production of a natural next-generation fertiliser: Composted Soil Improver from Agri-Food Chain Waste (ACFA). It is also illustrating the ongoing project for the construction of a plant to produce Liquefied Biomethane (BioLNG) from agri-food chain waste.
Caviro Extra is also taking an active part in the events and workshops organised at this international circular economy and green technology trade show: “Visions of the future: Italian companies and the race for climate neutrality” (in collaboration with Italy for Climate); “Black to the future: a two-year EIT Food project on Biochar, its applications and development”; “Circular energies: materials for the energy transition”.