Caviro Group closes 2023-2024 financial year: solid results despite market challenges

Faenza, December 20, 2024 – This morning in Faenza, the shareholders’ meeting of the Caviro Group approved the financial statements for the year ended August 31, 2024. The Group reported consolidated revenues of €385 million, a decrease compared to the previous year, but maintained stable financial metrics (EBITDA at €34.3 million, up +3.4% from the […]
Ecomondo 2024: Caviro Extra presents the Group’s circular model and new investments

Ecomondo, the circular economy trade fair, concludes today, where Caviro Extra once again showcased its sustainability model and the latest developments, including significant investments in building a new natural tartaric acid production plant and expanding the composting area at the Faenza site.This event provided an important opportunity to establish new connections and strengthen existing ones […]
Caviro Group inaugurates Italy’s largest advanced agrivoltaic system on vineyards

In line with its commitment to circular economy and sustainability, the Caviro Group today inaugurates Italy’s largest advanced agrivoltaic system, built on the vineyard adjacent to Cantine Caviro. The system, completed in just eight months with a total investment of €1.5 million, consists of 63 single-axis trackers and 1,386 bifacial solar panels spanning an area […]
Come and discover the rebirth of matter at Ecomondo 2024.

Caviro Extra confirms its participation at Ecomondo 2024 to present the latest innovations from the past year and welcome clients, suppliers, partners, and new contacts at its stand. At the stand, Caviro Extra and Enomondo will show the rebirth of matter process, through wich incoming by-products from the wine and food supply chain are enhanced […]
Caviro Extra wins the Industria Felix Award

On June 13th, Caviro Extra received the High Budget Honor of the Premio Industria Felix as the “Best Company in the Wine Sector for Management Performance and Financial Reliability, Cerved, with Headquarters in Emilia Romagna”. The award, organized by Industria Felix Magazine, is based on an investigation conducted in collaboration wuth the Cerved Research Office […]
Minster Pichetto Fratin visits the Caviro Extra plant

Last Saturday, May 4th, the italian Minster of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratinvisited the Faenza site of the Caviro Group. He was welcomed by the top management of the Group and numerous workers. The Minister was given a guided tour of the Faenza site of Caviro Extra, experiencing firsthand the important work […]
Enomondo’s ACFA soil conditioner obtains the Quality Compost CIC label

Faenza, April 30, 2024 – The Composted soil improver from agri-food chain scraps (ACFA) produced by Enomondoat the Faenza site, has been awarded the «Quality Compost CIC» label issued by the Italian Composting and Biogas Association (ita C.I.C. Consorzio Italiano Compostatori). The label certifies the quality of this type of organic fertilizer, adding to the […]
“THE REFLECTION OF CONCRETE ACTIONS”: the annual event dedicated to the sustainability projects of the Group

Caviro Group presents the Fifth Edition of the Sustainability Report, the results of the carbon assessment, decarbonization strategies, and projects according to ESG criteria. Faenza, April 23, 2024 – “THE REFLECTION OF CONCRETE ACTIONS” is the title ofannual event dedicated to sustainability projects of Caviro Group, this yeas in collaboration with MIC (Museo Internazionale delle […]
Enomondo hosts the visit of the Blacks Raggisolaris: a meeting between sports and sustainability

Last Wednesday, April 17th, Enomondo hosted the first basketball team Blacks Raggisolaris visiting the Group’s site in Faenza. The visit was an opportunity to delve into the themes of circularity, energy, and sustainability. It was a way to demonstrate interest and involvement in the local social fabric. Enomondo was born from the partnership of two […]
The Caviro Group approves the 2022-2023 financial statements. Turnover of 423 million euros, solid financial ratios

The shareholders’ meeting has reappointed the Board of Directors with the arrival of four new directors Faenza, 18 December 2023 – The Caviro Group shareholders’ meeting approved thefinancial statements for the year ending 31 August 2023 in Faenza this morning. The Italian leader by market share in the wine sector, Caviro closed the 2022-2023 financial […]