Caviro Extra and Enomondo at Faenza Energy Days

Caviro Extra and Enomondoare partners of #FaenzaEnergyDays, the week dedicated to the energy transition and the energy of the future.
This initiative aims to raise awareness of the expertise in this sector of the Union of Romagna Faentina and to bring it together in a genuine Energy District.
The goal is to tap into this prowess in order to play a leading role in the energy transition thanks also to the European green reforms.

The roundtable “Investments for the energy transition of Romagna Faentina“, involving Gabriele Bassi, Director of Operations at Caviro Extra, and Sergio Celotti, Managing Director at Enomondo, will take place from 2 p.m. on the afternoon of Monday 11 October at Villa Abbondanzi in Faenza.