Enomondo district heating plant opened: a step towards the energy transition

With a capacity of 7.5 MW, the network distributes high-temperature water to homes and businesses, including the Formula 1 Alpha Tauri team

The district heating plant that produces heat from renewable fuel (waste from the winemaking industry), reducing pollution and the use of methane and other fossil sources, was opened this morning in Faenza. The plant’s operations are guaranteed by the biomass-fuelled thermoelectric power plant owned by Enomondoat 6 Via Convertite.
«In addition to electricity, we also produce thermal energy,” explains Sergio Celotti, managing Director of Enomondo -. The great advantage of the district heating network is that energy is produced in a single thermoelectric plant using mainly renewable fuels . This generates both environmental and economic benefits compared with the use of methane of fossil origin. The new system allows us to use the steam to operate the plants at the Caviro Extra site but also to deliver it externally to nearby homes and businesses.».

Plant operation
The plant produces high-pressure and high-temperature steam using wine industry waste, including marc (from the Caviro Group’s wine production chain) and clippings and prunings from public green areas collected at the Caviro Extra plant in Faenza, transforming it into electricity through a turbine.
«With part of the steam, we heat the water to 90°C and then send it to the new infrastructure, the district heating network, which consists of 1,200 metres of pipes that go from Via Convertite to Via Murri, with a capacity of 7.5 megawatts – explains Lorenzo Valtieri, Enomondo Plant Manager -. “Users who connect to this network receive our hot water through heat exchangers, which they use to heat their rooms. In this way it is possible to phase out methane boilers, to phase out methane boilers, generating obvious benefits for the environment and considerable energy bill savings, and contribute to the now particularly important target of achieving energy independence from abroad».
Utilities are equipped with state-of-the-art meters and readings are available in a web portal in real time: users can, therefore, monitor their consumption and Enomondo can monitor the substations, quickly intervening in the event of anomalies.
Several users are already connected: industrial sites, artisan businesses, various civil domestic utilities and in particular the Alpha Tauri Formula 1 team, whose headquarters are next door to Caviro Extra and Enomondo.
«The district heating network is already operational: we delivered the first kilowatt-hour in November 2021, the goal being to provide heating in the winter months,” adds Valtieri. In particular, the connection with Alpha Tauri came into operation last December, enabling the company to avoid problems relating to energy supplies and costs».

Future prospects
The synergy established with Alpha Tauri is particularly significant because it demonstrates how completely different companies in terms of core business and business processes can find common ground for cooperation and development in the field of environmental sustainability.
The Alpha Tauri supply uses around 1.5 megawatts of the 7.5 available, which leaves plenty of connection opportunities available.
«This is a first step for us, – explains Celotti. . We are testing a new sector of public interest, acquiring experience. There are plenty of future opportunities if there is joint desire together with the public authority to extend the network, which has been constructed precisely to be expanded. The pipes are very expensive, costs which can only be amortised in the long term. Obviously,if in the future we are able to supply public buildings with high levels of energy consumption, such as the municipal pool or the hospital, the benefits will be evident in every aspect» he concludes.

Institutional declarations

Stefano Bonaccini, President of the Region of Emilia-Romagna: «This operation is part of the ecological transition required by our country and also indicated as a priority by the NRRP. Today, two businesses that seemingly have little in common (Hera and Caviro, ed.) have come together to create a very positive experience, which benefits not only them, but also other important players in this area. This shows the ability of our region to be a team player and work for the benefit of its communities».

Massimo Isola, Mayor of Faenza: «Enomondo has always managed to develop solutions based on its intuition, courage, ambition and wish to stay ahead of the curve. It has been preempting the future for a long time: the circular economy and the ecological transition have been in the works here for many years. We are currently in the middle of a transition, a moment of flux. A delicate phase in which those who have ideas are asked to play a leading role. Because this journey, this change, requires certain skills to help us navigate it safely. Here we can have those foundations and, together, develop the projects we need to meet our tangible and future needs».

Carlo Dalmonte, president of the Caviro Group: «Enomondo is a role model for the Caviro Group, perhaps the most virtuous. It is a perfect fusion of entrepreneurial, relational and political skills. Today, my wish for this company is that the spirit that has driven it since it was founded always remains the same and also inspires those who come after us. To create and redistribute value.».

Filippo Brandolini, president of Enomondo: «These days there is a lot of talk about ecological transition, the Green Deal, decarbonisation. And today’s opening shows us just how important the experience of Enomondo and Caviro is for the political agenda.
These two organisations both have strong ties with their original communities to which, with dedication and commitment, they return key goods and services. Today, biomass is used to produce electricity but also heat and steam which, in addition to our own self-consumption, since last November have also been distributed to external users».