Enomondo to supply district heating to Alpha Tauri

Formula 1 racing team Alpha Tauri designs and builds its cars at its Faenza plant, just a few hundred metres from the Caviro Extra headquarters.

In recent days, the Faenza-based team, which will be competing in the Italian grand prix in Emilia Romagna next Sunday, presented a challenging environmental sustainability roadmap which involves the complete elimination of CO2 emissions within a decade.

This roadmap includes an important project that stems from its partnership with Enomondo, a joint venture between Caviro Extra, a Caviro Group company, and Herambiente: the construction of a district heating plant in 2021 which, thanks to the thermal energy from renewable sources produced by Enomondo, will guarantee the team hot water to heat its Faenza plant and for all other production needs.

The proximity of the two plants has made it possible to envisage a different future, where business needs and environmental priorities complement each other rather than clashing, creating new solutions and partnerships. The wonderful video created by Alpha Tauri for the launch of the environmental sustainability roadmap presents two Faenza business leaders, both of which are engaged, in different ways, in cutting-edge technological research.