Financial results: looking to the future, bolstered by the results

The Caviro Group’s financial results at 31 August 2021 are very positive:

the Group’s consolidated turnover is up (+8%), as is the average number of people employed (+15).
This growth is driven by the excellent results in exports and the strong performance of Caviro Extra, the Group’s standard bearer in terms of sustainability.

The thoughts of Carlo Dalmonte, president of the Caviro Group:

«In a year in which wine retail sales fell, Caviro’s turnover increased mainly thanks to exports. This is encouraging because Italian wine will have to increasingly focus on international markets. Against this backdrop of sudden stops and starts, we have demonstrated flexibility as a Group. We have been rewarded for our close relationship with the supply chain, our investments in sustainability and our cohesive structure: all elements that make Caviro an agile giant».

Il Direttore Generale di Caviro Extra, Fabio Baldazzi, General Manager at Caviro Extra, emphasised the key contribution Caviro Extra has made to the Group’s financial results while also reflecting on the future challenges that await:

«We will face the future, well aware of the challenges and problems it presents, in a difficult global situation: production costs will increase due to the significant increases in the cost of energy and raw materials. The goals must be to optimise processes and costs and to eliminate inefficiencies, where they still remain. We started 4 years ago with revenues of around 80 million euros, and now these have peaked at a record 122 million euros. Less than 15% at the time, value added now exceeds 20% of revenues, an extremely significant result for the company. We have, therefore, fulfilled our mission, providing our support to ensure that the cooperative has been able to offer good liquidation conditions to its members. Today its net worth is 4 times its bank loans, meaning the company is well capitalised. These are very positive figures.»

We can, therefore, look forward to 2022 with confidence and belief, proud of what we have done and what we will continue to achieve together.

Happy Holidays from the entire Group.

Buone Feste da Caviro 2021