Minister D’Incà visits the Caviro Group’s Faenza plants

On the morning of 18 September, the Caviro Group’s Faenza plant welcomed theItalian Minister for Parliamentary Relations, Federico D’Incà, accompanied by several senators and local administrators.

During the visit, guests learned about the Caviro Group’s circularity model and its constant commitment to recovering the by-products of the wine and agri-food chains and transforming them into noble products and green energy.
In particular, the Minister was able to get hands-on experience of the latest product extracted in the Faenza plant: food-grade liquefied CO2 extracted from biogas, which solidifies in contact with the air, becoming carbonic snow.

Together with the Minister, the following were present on the guided tour, conducted by the General Manager of Caviro Extra, Fabio Baldazzi and Vice Chairman of the Caviro Group, Stefano Lazzarini: Senator Marco Croatti, Senator Francesco Mollame, Senator Stefano Collina and MEP Sabrina Pignedoli. The group tour included a visit to the Oasi delle Cicogne next to the Caviro plants.

«This is a wonderful company – remarked Minister D’Incà. The results you have achieved are the result of a long journey, of your ongoing and untiring work, and you are an example for the rest of the country to follow. Thank you for all your efforts and for the thousands of people who work with you».