New graphics for Caviroteca’s green deliveries

A new look for Caviroteca’s electric van in Faenza. This means of transport, used to deliver products to companies and customers, is now more easily recognisable thanks to new graphics with the Caviroteca logo.

The fully electric van, is refuelled directly from recharging points installed in the forecourt of the Caviro Group plant in Faenza, using 100% green energy produced in the Caviro Extra Eco-Energy BU and Enomondo plants.
The Caviroteca van is not the only example of Caviro’s commitment to environmental sustainability and the production of energy from renewable energy sources, on Italian roads today.
In fact, a few months ago the first heavy goods vehicle dedicated to the distribution of wine produced by Caviro Sca, powered by liquefied methane gas (LNG), an ecological fuel with a reduced environmental impact, became operational.
Caviro Extra, which has been committed to the production of low environmental impact fuels for years, has produced advanced biomethane since 2019, thanks to the new plant, which has a production capacity of 12,000,000 Nm3, and through the anaerobic digestion of winemaking by-products and wastewater.