Thank you to all the participants at the Caviro Extra Open Day

On Saturday 22 October, Caviro opened the doors to its Faenza production site to round 270 visitors during the Open Day organised as part of Faenza Energy Days. These will be joined by another 80 in the coming days, for a total of 350 visitors.

In fact, because of this oversubscription 2 new tours had to be added to the 5 carried out on the first day. Visitors are welcomed at the Caviro Management Building where the Group and its circular economy are presented, and then board a coach to visit the production site, including the recently opened facilities.

General Manager, Fabio Baldazzi, was particularly pleased about the success of the initiative among children. Over 70 school pupils from Faenza participated in the initiative and as well as learning about Caviro Extra’s activities and operations, demonstrating lots of interest in the industrial aspects, they were also able to talk to and get to know the people that constitute the heart and soul of the company.

Thank you all for your interest and for those who are interested in visiting next year, we look forward to seeing you at, Romagna Faentina Energy Days 2023!

Listen to the full interview with the Director of Caviro Extra: