
Caviro Extra and the distribution of alcohol to pharmacies and healthcare facilities

Never before has there been such a huge demand for alcohol for disinfection purposes. Aware of its role as a manufacturer, Caviro Extra has sought to meet the needs of old and new customers alike from the outset. At the same time, it has also had to keep a close eye on the most critical situations, such as the supply of pharmacies in the Faenza and Forlì area.

Little gestures, because we are convinced that #togetherwecanmakeit.

Denatured alcohol donated to local pharmacies

inPiazza – April 2020
Caviro Extra’s efforts to supply an essential resource for disinfecting environments and hands
“The initiative involved around 50 pharmacies in the Faenza, Imola and Ravenna area whose staff we would like to thank for their commendable work”

Pharmacies are the first line of defence in the local healthcare system but they find themselves under increasing pressure due to the ongoing health emergency. In order to support them and, therefore, the entire local community, the Caviro Group has donated over 500 litres of denatured alcohol, one of the noble materials that the Caviro Extra company obtains from the by-products of the agri-food industry and the processing of grapes, including lees and marcs.

The sudden outbreak of clusters of Covid-19 cases in the country has had a series of immediate and not easily foreseeable consequences. These have included, since the outset, difficulty in finding the alcohol-based products required to disinfect environments, objects and hands.

“Caviro Extra has always produced an alcohol suitable for making these products – underlines Fabio Baldazzi, general manager at Caviro Extra -, but from a logistical, organisational and bureaucratic perspective the company is specifically structured to meet large orders. That is why, for example, we do not have an internal packaging line. However, given the seriousness of the situation and the increased demand for alcohol from pharmacies, hospitals and healthcare facilities, the customs agency authorised us to sell it in small quantities and we responded in kind.”.

On receiving authorisation, a 10-litre canister of 94° denatured alcohol was donated to all local pharmacies. “Organising these supplies at such a difficult time required an extra effort from the staff at Caviro Extra, who responded to this demanding new task with a real sense of team spirit, – emphasises Baldazzi – It was, therefore, possible to get the project off the ground, involving some fifty pharmacies in the Faenza, Imola and Ravenna area whose staff we would like to thank for their commendable work during this emergency period”.

The various pharmacies involved in the initiative were quick to express their gratitude, in particular the chairperson of Ravenna Farmacie, Bruna Baldassarri, who wrote to Caviro: “Your gift is particularly precious given the supply difficulties we are encountering at this time. By helping to keep pharmacies disinfected, this donation will enable us to guarantee a valuable service for all citizens”.

Given the importance of this service, Caviro Extra will continue to ensure the availability of the product and do everything it can to meet the requests that come its way, especially those from the pharmaceutical sector.