Anhydrous ethanol of agricultural origin

Anhydrous ethanol of agricultural origin is obtained from the fermentation of cereals or molasses and is designed for a wide variety of different uses in the chemical-industrial sector. Its technical characteristics may vary depending on how it is used. As such, two variants are available (see technical data). The product has a clear and colourless appearance.

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Technical data

Quality 1
Parameter Average value
Alcohol concentration > 99.95 % vol
Ethanol > 99.9 % GC
Humidity < 0.05 % w/w
Methanol < 0.05 % w/v
Total aldehydes < 0.1 % w/v
Total higher alcohols < 0.1 % w/v
Benzene < 2 ppm
Parameter Average value
Alcohol concentration > 99.7 % vol
Humidity < 0.3 % w/w
Acetaldehyde < 0.1 % w/w
Methanol < 1 % w/w
Benzene < 2 ppm

Sectors of application

  • Chemical-Industrial


Storage and preservation

At room temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.


Tanks, tractors, fluboxes, drums.



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