Bioethanol of agricultural origin

First-generation bioethanol (or biofuel) is an anhydrous ethanol of agricultural origin and - in compliance with EN 15376 - is mainly used as a biofuel for transport although it can also be used for other purposes in the chemical-industrial sector. In addition, following government authorisation provided by the customer, Caviro Extra also blends it with petrol (e.g. E85) or other additives (e.g. MTBE or ETBE). The product is clear and colourless.

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Technical data

Parameter Average value
Ethanol + higher alcohols > 98.7 % m/m
mono alcohols High saturated (C3-C5) < 2 % m/m
Methanol < 1.0 % m/m
Humidity < 0.300 % m/m
Total acidity < 0.007 % m/m
Conductivity < 2.5 μS/cm
Inorganic chlorides < 1.5 mg/kg
Sulphates < 3.0 mg/kg
Copper < 0.100 mg/kg
Phosphorus < 0.15 mg/l
Non-volatile substances < 10 mg/100ml
Sulphides < 10 mg/kg

Sectors of application

  • Chemical-Industrial
  • Energy

Storage and preservation

At room temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.


Ships, trains, tanks, engines, fluboxes, drums.



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Advanced and customised solutions of agricultural origin