
Caviro Extra offers solutions for the wine sector. The by-products of grape processing are thus reintroduced into the wine production cycle.

Caviro Extra collects the by-products of the winemaking industry from the Caviro Group’s cooperative wineries and beyond. The products obtained at the end of the regeneration process can be used in the wine sector as part of a complete and virtuous circular model.

wine sector products

Natural and second-generation ingredients

Marc and lees collection service

In addition to collecting by-products from cooperative wineries, Caviro Extra offers a marc and lees collection service to all wineries and farms. These materials, therefore, represent a waste product to be delivered to appropriate facilities. The Musts and Extracts division offers a punctual and professional collection service in order to avoid any impact on the production processes of the companies involved, especially during busy periods such as harvest time.


Punctual services available to wineries

Products of agricultural origin and second-generation products

Research and development available to the customer


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