EXTRA – Fourth issue of the Caviro Extra house organ published

The fourth issue of the Caviro Extra house organ has been published. The cover is dedicated to the new Group project aimed at measuring the carbon footprint of all production sites and performing the relative assessment. The issue also looks at the biggest developments of the current year, from the new advanced biomethane liquefaction plant […]

Announcement on the events of 8 May 2023

Late yesterday morning there was an accident at the Caviro Extra plant in Faenza that caused a large fire in the alcohol storage area.The safety protocol and the evacuation plan proved highly effective with all personnel quickly making their way to the external assembly points, ensuring that nobody was involved in the event. Serious damage […]

Thank you to all the participants at the Caviro Extra Open Day

On Saturday 22 October, Caviro opened the doors to its Faenza production site to round 270 visitors during the Open Day organised as part of Faenza Energy Days. These will be joined by another 80 in the coming days, for a total of 350 visitors. In fact, because of this oversubscription 2 new tours had […]

Plant for the production of next-generation natural fertiliser opened in Faenza

https://vimeo.com/723327670 Owned by Enomondo, it has a production capacity of 50,000 tonnes per year, obtained by recovering clippings and prunings from public green areas and waste from the agri-food chain. Faenza, 20 June 2022 – The Caviro Extra factory in Faenza was the location this morning for the opening of a production plant for a […]

Enomondo district heating plant opened: a step towards the energy transition

With a capacity of 7.5 MW, the network distributes high-temperature water to homes and businesses, including the Formula 1 Alpha Tauri team The district heating plant that produces heat from renewable fuel (waste from the winemaking industry), reducing pollution and the use of methane and other fossil sources, was opened this morning in Faenza. The […]

New Caviro Extra corporate video released

Caviro Extra is proud to present a new video which captures its essence.The Caviro Group is a model example of a circular economy in the Italian winemaking industry.Founded on the principle of sustainability, it is a supply chain which produces value, contributing to improving the community around us. Extra‘s main activity is the reuse of […]

Financial results: looking to the future, bolstered by the results

The Caviro Group’s financial results at 31 August 2021 are very positive: the Group’s consolidated turnover is up (+8%), as is the average number of people employed (+15).This growth is driven by the excellent results in exports and the strong performance of Caviro Extra, the Group’s standard bearer in terms of sustainability. The thoughts of […]

Caviro Extra and Enomondo at Faenza Energy Days

Caviro Extra and Enomondoare partners of #FaenzaEnergyDays, the week dedicated to the energy transition and the energy of the future.This initiative aims to raise awareness of the expertise in this sector of the Union of Romagna Faentina and to bring it together in a genuine Energy District.The goal is to tap into this prowess in […]