Caviro wins the Impresa Ambiente Award

Caviro wins the Impresa Ambiente award in the “Best management for sustainable development in medium-sized or large companies” category

With this award, the Faenza-based Group is nominated for the European Business Award for the Environment. New investment of 10 million euros in the green sector planned in the coming months.

The Caviro Group, has won the Impresa Ambiente 2020 Award, in the Premio Impresa Ambiente 2020 “Best management for sustainable development in medium-sized or large companies” category with the project“From the vine to advanced biofueling, with Caviro it is possible” The prize is awarded to companies that demonstrate a strategic vision and a management model capable of ensuring continuous improvement and a constant contribution to sustainable development by combining environmental, economic and social aspects.

Marco Frey, Professor of Economics and Business Management at the Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa and president of the jury, gave the following reasons for the award: «”Caviro is one of the most significant examples of an integrated supply chain in the wine sector, whose commitment to the pursuit of sustainability is characterised by a long-term strategic vision. Caviro’s expertise and equipment not only enable it to produce quality wine in its own facilities but also to transform all the by-products of winemaking, giving waste the dignity of a resource that is regenerated and re-enters the production cycle. Also worthy of note is the potential for spreading these principles on a large scale,
as Caviro is active on the market with well-known brands.»

The award was presented during a ceremony broadcast live on YouTube on the afternoon of Friday 19 February and attended by Carlo Dalmonte, president of Caviro. «We are very honored to receive this award which I dedicate to our 12,400 member farmers – said Dalmonte -. Ours is a story that begins and ends with grapes a virtuous circle that is not just idealistic but real. Thanks to the circular economy Caviro does not produce waste but only raw materials and does so while paying close attention to both environmental protection and its business activities. Because people are increasingly attentive about buying products from a responsible supply chain,
they reward those who ask questions about the effects of their actions on a daily basis. This has convinced us to carry on investing»

The Impresa Ambiente Award is one of the most important Italian awards for companies which, in the management of their business, have made an innovative contribution in terms of environmental sustainability and social responsibility.
Promoted six years after the last edition by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice Rovigo, with the collaboration of Unioncamere and the endorsement of the Ministry for the Environment and the Protection of Land and Sea, the award numbered 125 candidates from 17 regions of Italy.
Together with the other companies that received awards and special mentions from the jury, Caviro will be automatically nominated for the European Business Award for the Environment.