Caviro extra tells its story in a special section of the magazine, La Rivista della Natura

La Rivista della Natura has dedicated a special 8-page eco-dossier to Caviro Extra: a circular economy model for a sustainable future.

Circularity has been part of Caviro Extra‘s DNA since the start. A decades-long commitment that has established us as a circular economy leader, in Italy and abroad.
This special report, published in the December issue of La Rivista della Natura and free to download from our website, provides an overview of the processes carried out in the Caviro Extra plants, where waste from the agri-food chain is given new life as high value-added products, energy, biofuels and natural fertilisers.

We are proud of our organisation, where our attachment to our origins has become a driving force for innovation and research, enabling us to promote a better and more sustainable future.