Liquefaction of biomethane

Thanks to the new biomethane liquefaction (BioLNG) plant, built in partnership with Ham Italia, Caviro Extra's biomethane, previously produced in gaseous form, is now liquefied to become a valid solution for the decarbonisation of heavy transport.

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The new plant for the production of liquid biomethane (also known as BioLNG), developed in collaboration with Ham Italia, makes the advanced biomethane of Caviro Extra liquid through a cryogenic liquefaction process performed at -150°C.

The biomethane obtained from agri-food chain waste through the anaerobic biodigestion process and the subsequent biogas upgrading phase is then transformed into BioLNG and represents a tangible solution for the decarbonisation of heavy transport.

The plant has a production capacity of almost 9,000 tonnes of liquefied biomethane a year, enough fuel for heavy goods vehicles to travel 20 million kilometres.


Parameter Average value
Biomethane gas in 1.600 Nm³/h
Liquid biomethane out 27 tonnes/day
Max. production 8,900 tonnes/year, equivalent to 12,000,000 m3/year
LNG storage capacity 49,2 tonnes


  • Purification with CO2 removal (selective absorption in solvent) up to 50 ppm residual
  • Thrust dehydration (TEG absorption) up to 1 ppm H2O residual
  • Double compression closed cryogenic cycle – inert nitrogen gas expansion (reverse Brayton cycle)
  • Biomethane Liquefaction in Cold Box
  • Cryogenic tank storage: -150°C at 2 barg
  • Measurement and analysis at liquefier inlet and before loading into a tank

Liquefaction – Cold Box

schema liquefazione coldbox
  • Biomethane liquefaction takes place by countercurrent cooling in a multi-channel plate “cold box” heat exchanger
  • The fluid used for cooling is inert nitrogen in a closed cycle that reaches cryogenic temperatures (-155°C) by compression at 30 barg and subsequent expansion in a 4 barg turbine
  • The nitrogen is self-produced through filtration of the ambient air in a membrane module, in order to reach a purity of 99.99%
  • In addition to the refrigeration cycle, nitrogen is also used to maintain the flow of the insulation chamber with perlite around the cold box and LNG storage tank

Plant construction

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Alessandro Nespeca

Alessandro Nespeca,
Eco-Energy Contact Person

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