Enomondo to supply district heating to Alpha Tauri

Formula 1 racing team Alpha Tauri designs and builds its cars at its Faenza plant, just a few hundred metres from the Caviro Extra headquarters. In recent days, the Faenza-based team, which will be competing in the Italian grand prix in Emilia Romagna next Sunday, presented a challenging environmental sustainability roadmap which involves the complete […]

Caviro presents its second Sustainability Report

The Caviro Group has presented its SECOND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT, a new step in a journey that began over 50 years ago. From the vineyard to the transportation of the finished product, via the optimisation of waste and the development of a completely circular economy model: Caviro’s activities have proven to be sustainable and capable of […]

Caviro wins the Impresa Ambiente Award

Caviro wins the Impresa Ambiente award in the “Best management for sustainable development in medium-sized or large companies” category With this award, the Faenza-based Group is nominated for the European Business Award for the Environment. New investment of 10 million euros in the green sector planned in the coming months. The Caviro Group, has won […]

Caviro extra tells its story in a special section of the magazine, La Rivista della Natura

La Rivista della Natura has dedicated a special 8-page eco-dossier to Caviro Extra: a circular economy model for a sustainable future. Circularity has been part of Caviro Extra‘s DNA since the start. A decades-long commitment that has established us as a circular economy leader, in Italy and abroad.This special report, published in the December issue […]

New CO₂ capture plant in a video

The new CO2 capture plant at the Faenza site is fully operational. This plant closes a perfect circle that involves the recovery of waste from the agri-food chain and its use for the production of biogas within the biodigesters: thanks to the plant opening in 2019, this biogas is purified and becomes advanced biomethane for […]

Enomondo: giving back to the land for 25 years

Enomondo, a Caviro Extra and Herambiente company, manages some of the plants in Faenza that enable the Caviro Group to close its circular economy model.These include plants that specialise in the production of farming fertilisers which, in addition to maximising the value of the by-products of the wine industry, allow Caviro to return the necessary […]

Caviro Extra lights up Faenza at Christmas

The squares and streets of the historic centre have been lit up with lots of exciting activities for adults and children Once again this year, Caviro Extra has helped make Faenza even more beautiful during this special holiday period.The main thoroughfares, illuminated with festive lighting, lead to Piazza del Popolo which has been adorned with […]

EXTRA – Second issue of the Caviro Extra company house organ

2020 was also a challenging year for Caviro Extra which, with due care and sensitivity, was able to successfully adapt and grow. Extra is the company magazine that tells the story of the last year at Caviro Extra. Normally distributed at events and trade shows in which the company participates, as well as to employees […]